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Data Entry

We provide data entry for a range of requirements.
Surveys, questionnaires and transcriptions are some of the work we have done.

Data Entry.jpgFor surveys and studies the input is in paper form. During setup we review the input and prepare data entry screens for our operators to use when keying. These screens provide for rapid entry of information. Some checking can also be performed during entry. For example type of data and range checking. Depending on requirements, data can also be rekeyed for verification or entered twice separately by different staff and then compared. Once complete the data is then checked, extracted and returned to the client. 

We strive for 100% accuracy. Material returned often contains post-it notes detailing anything we have found along the way. This not only gives the client their data but helps them to improve its overall quality.

Al ecurely. Forms are held in fireproof safes until processed. Access to material is limited to only those who are directly dealing with the job.


Make contact with us to discuss your requirements.